Script of the World

DQ – Wormhole – Q-bit – Quantum World

The Universe as a Software Package

The Universe as a Software Complex Program GrandmotherTo understand the answer to this question, it is necessary first to imagine the Universe as a tremendous software package. There are programs for every material object, body, mechanism as well as every event, associated with internal and external changes.

A computer running programs may not only be a device with electronic components, as we are used to believing. From Wikipedia:

“a computer can be built on other principles — it can be mechanical, biological, optical, quantum, etc., working by moving mechanical parts, the movement of electrons, photons, or the effects of other physical phenomena.”

Our scientists have already discovered that the human body is created according to the DNA code written in its genes. Genes also contain programs of the body’s life activity. From this perspective, the vital activity of each object in the Universe is determined by the programs that are associated with it. And life as a whole consists of program combinations.

As for our lives, sometimes we notice what the same event or situation repeats from time to time, and only the details can be different. And people around you may have other life situations and their repetitions. It may suggest an idea that there is a certain set of programs of life situations. And everyone gets some part of this set. Roughly speaking, everyone has their own possible options. They are unknown to those who begin their journey again, reborn as a person.

Can We Live Forever?

By understanding the program that creates our body, we can remove the restriction of life. Let’s imagine that scientists have solved the problem of aging and dying. You can change everything in your body that doesn’t suit you. Material security issues were also resolved. It would seem-live and enjoy.

At the beginning of life, the number of possible situations in life seems endless. A lot of new things, and I want to try everything. Or not everything, but only the best. As we gain experience, we realize that this set is finite. The senses are dulled. To re-experience the taste of life, a person is looking for some new sensations or, if there is nothing new on the horizon, we want to return the novelty of perception.

From the collection “Riddles of the Universe. Known and unknown facts” by Isaac Asimov (Chapter 28 “The Price of Life”):

“Eternity has a magical property of turning into boredom all the most desirable and pleasant. No one can avoid it. One gets tired of everything. … So, of course, “to achieve immortality” – it does not mean “to live forever” but “to live as long as you want.” How much will it be? …
The human mind loses its flexibility very quickly. It’s not a matter of physical aging or limiting the possibilities of consciousness, so even if we can keep the brains of our longevities in a physiologically young state, the problem remains unsolved. Once you have developed a pattern of thinking, the brain then turns all thought processes on the usual path, and you can avoid the eternal movement “on the paved path” only by applying tremendous effort.”

The Problem of Eternity

At the age of 4, my son Daniel “gave out a philosophical concept” “People grow, grow, grow, and then age and die. Why do they age? Because they can’t grow any further.” It’s said that the truth speaks through the mouth of a child.

It is not enough to consider immortality only from the point of view of the body. Having solved the issue of physical aging, a person faces another task-the alteration of consciousness.

But the alteration of the brain is not the same as replacing the body, because it is like killing a person and replacing them with someone else. Then we need to solve the question of how to make life in eternity interesting for a long time. We can experience the same events once, twice, ten times. But, sooner or later, there will come a time when we will not want to repeat even the most pleasant of them.

The first thing that will extend the range of possible sensations and growth of the consciousness is to give everyone access to a common set of life situations. It will greatly diversify your life. The formula is being changed from “everyone has own destiny” to “everything depends on the efforts of the person himself.” These situations also end at some point. Moreover, all people become as one because everyone’s life consists of the same set. When the possibilities of the first option are exhausted, it is time for the second.

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