Script of the World

Female Sacrifice for Love. Variants

Female Sacrifice 3. Daughter. Granddaughter

Santa Claus Ded Moros and snow girl Snegurochka a Soviet, later Russian, animated series Well, Just You Wait! about the wolf and the hare similar to Tom and JerryThis option is associated with the image of the Snowgirl, assistant of Santa Claus. Snegurochka (the Snowgirl) as the daughter of Ded Moroz (Santa Claus) and Spring-Red was invented in Russia in the 19th century (1873, a play by A. N. Ostrovsky), and then “revived” in the Soviet Union. In all other countries, there is a Magical Grandfather who brings gifts for the New Year or Christmas, but he does not have an assistant. According to the fairy tale, Snegurochka remains to live with people until spring, being an intermediary between children and Ded Moroz.

The name of the world’s most famous magical grandfather Santa Claus means “Holy People-Winner” (Santa-saint, Claus = Nicholas-Nika-victory + Laos-people). In this context, Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas, who brings gifts to children, is a people who have risen to the limit (North Land like limit) of the mind to the level of the Gods of the corresponding stage of development.

Snegurochka helps the Holy People-Winner (Santa Claus), who are performing the task of forming the mind out of the darkness of madness in the children of the new D-Dynasty of the human race. (see the section “Body, Mind. Soul, Spirit. Anima and Animus. The Egyptian Ogdoad Created by Ptah“)


In this context, it is worth remembering Diana Ankudinova, who came as an angel to our world. As a child, she fully experienced the madness of her biological mother. Having passed this test, she no longer wants to meet her or call her mom. Having such a heavy “school of life,” with his unique voice and personal experience, Diane is not only “transferred” to Santa Claus that care about children, what they think and dream about, but also became a bright “guiding star” for them, showing by her example the way out of “winter trials.”

With the onset of Spring-Red, when the stage of mind formation ends and the theme of love begins, the program of Snegurochka melts, dissolves in the air, and returns to her Creator. (“… until the Hit from the rain turns red. Dancing in the rain ’till love comes to life…” – see “A Ship with Scarlet Sails as a Symbol of the Future Created by Your Own Hands“) A talented girl Diana, having given the “faceless” ring, remains, having received a new fate.

But she will still descend to her native Land as to her mother to be her voice again.


The daughter-assistant of Santa Claus was eventually replaced by a granddaughter, who helps to collect the soul at the transition stage from infinity to eternity. (see Danelia Tuleshova)

It is also worth paying attention to the line of the mother of the granddaughter-assistant:

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