Script of the World

Female Sacrifice for Love. Variants

Female Sacrifice 0. The Ritual of the Morning Star

From the lyrics of the song “Imitation Rain” by SIXTones: “Imitation rain, sometimes forcibly. Pour into your heart.” (The heart and the Collective Consciousness, its development, see also about one drop of blood from the heart of the mother, taken at conception).

Pawnee flag La-Roo-Chuck-A-La-Shar (Sun Chief) was a Pawnee chief The Ritual of the Morning Star as a reflection of the initial stage of consciousness development. According to Wikipedia, until 1839, the northern Pawnee group Ckírihki Kuuruúriki (“Look like wolves People”) or Ckiíri (“Wolf People”) (both names derived from Ckirir /Tski’ki – “Wolf” or Tskirirara – “Wolf-in-Water”) sacrificed a girl, performing the religious ritual of the Morning Star.

The sacrifice was associated with the belief that the first human being was a girl born from the mating of the Morning Star, a male figure of light, and the Evening Star, a female figure of darkness. And the longstanding rite ensured the fertility of the soil and success of the crops, as well as renewal of all life in spring and triumphs on the battlefields. (But according to the tribe, the first Pawnee male was a descendant of the union of the Moon and the Sun. And there’s a “ghost dance” in their culture.)

“The ritual stood outside the organization of the ceremonial year and was not necessarily an annual occurrence. The commencement of the ceremony required that a man had been commanded to sponsor it while asleep. Typically, a warrior would dream of the Morning Star, usually in the autumn, which meant it was time to prepare for the various steps of the ritual. The visionary would consult with the Morning Star priest, who helped him prepare for his journey to find a sacrifice. During the initial meeting both would cry and cry, because they knew the missions forced upon them by divine demand were wrong to carry out.

Miniature model of the Morning Star ritual, Sacrifice of a Girl. Field Museum For Female SacrificeWith help from others, the warrior would capture a young unmarried girl from an enemy tribe. The Pawnee kept the girl and cared for her over the winter, taking her with them as they made their buffalo hunt. They arranged her sacrifice in the spring, in relation to the rising of the Morning Star. She was well treated and fed throughout this period.

When the morning star (either the planet Mars, Jupiter, or some times Venus) rose ringed with red, the priest knew it was the signal for the sacrifice…” (For the full text, see Wikipedia or “The Morning Star Ritual. Female victim,” and also “King Arthur’s Round Table. Athyra. Titans. Pawnee. “The Revenant“, “Goddess Atira, Corn, and the Continuation of Life. Corn fever in the USSR“, “More about Pawnee“)

Additional: Bonfires of the Inquisition and Exposed

Bonfires of the Inquisition

Bonfires of the Inquisition For Female SacrificeAs I prepared my material on the Morning Star Ritual, I thought about the burning of “witches” at the stake of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. As a rule, the declared witches were the women with the most developed minds. Probably, these sacrifices were made because they suggested to others the consequences of certain actions. Thanks to their tips, people could avoid unpleasant events that were destined for them, and did not get the necessary life experience.

Avoiding trouble is good from an everyday point of view, but from the point of view of developing a person’s consciousness as a Creator, it can be bad. Well turns out to be evil, and evil turns out to be good. The Christian religion taught people to accept the blows of fate, helping to collect everything necessary for the Fruit of the Wisdom all of humanity. “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” (Hebrews 12: 6) (see also “The Universe as a Software Package” and “Ship – Levels of Reality (L of R)“)


A Daughter of the Gods For Female SacrificeThe theme of violence is the film “Exposed” with the participation of Ana de Armas and Keanu Reeves. Its original name is “Daughter of God” (Daughter of Gods). The film was released in a limited edition and via video on demand on January 22, 2016, by Lionsgate Films ‘ division, Lionsgate Premiere. (Ana de Armas and Keanu Reeves played together in the film “Knock Knock,” where a man becomes a victim of violence. She played the role of the girlfriend of the main character Joy-an artificial holographic program in the thriller “Blade Runner 2049.”)

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