Keys and Ship Script of the World Structure of Reality

The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1

The story of the withered Tree of Life of the silver variant, displayed in St. Petersburg in Russia, and its rebirth on new soil in Astana in Kazakhstan began to mature in my head while preparing a new Preface to the book “Maitreya. Merging of the Manifested and the Unmanifested.”

For The 4th Key Peter and Paul Fortress The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth

The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1The book “Maitreya …” became the first key (see the article “Three Keys”). And she also led me to the fourth key for three and a half turns of the spiral of development in this current world of the Earth, under the starry sky of the inner universe. The constellations of the sky collected and presented in the form of images help to understand both the events of our history and the constant genetic changes in our body. Everything is interconnected, according to the Creator’s plan.

The material matured for a long time, because my consciousness was still too small to understand what my heart prompted, and what the Kazakh performer, musician, and composer Dimash Kudaibergen sang about, the Messenger of the Almighty, revealing His plan and being His new image for people.

I constantly had to learn something new, as well as sort out various possible interconnections in my head. I moved like a turtle, gradually collecting the path leading to the creation of a new genetic code and a new image for the “golden” world of the next stage of development, to which we have come.

Dimash-The_Story_of_One_Sky-Requiem 1And then either the process of “juggling genes” will begin anew in the world of wars, where “the strongest survives” for the next cycle of “Body, Mind”, or there will be a transition to the new world of the next stage of “Soul, Spirit” for representatives of different religions and, I believe, also those who believed in the existence of the Creator, who walked along spirals of development, as it was shown in the video clip “Requiem. The Story of One Sky” by Dimash Kudaibergen

In the process of work, I was thinking about the 2014 Olympics in Sochi (Russia), as well as the words from the song “Rain”, which was performed by Batyrkhan Shukenov: “In the gray raindrops, we will spill everything empty. A cleanly washed day behind a transparent glass… Closing her eyes, my soul was waking up… ” (See the full test of the song in the post “Rain – Batyrkhan Shukenov” subsection of the forum “Collect Meanings: Beyond the Mirror”). I wish that we all managed to wake up.

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Back in October, I withdrew the book “Maitreya …” from publication, because the text of the Preface, prepared in August-September under extreme conditions related to my brother’s health, was still very “raw”, and everything had to be redone. As a result, I decided to arrange some of the material related to the fourth key in the form of several books for free download. And another part of this will be set out in the preface to the book “Maitreya …”, which will go on sale again.

The book “4-й ключ. Петропавловская крепость. Увядшее Древо Жизни и перерождение. Часть 1” was prepared first. The book “The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1” is an English version of the original text in Russian prepared with the help of a Yandex translator.

The English version was approved by the publishing house before the Russian version, so it is published first and is already available for free reading and download via the link ,

Soon the book «The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1» will also appear on other partner sites “Литрес”, as well as on Ridero, Ozon, Aliexpress, Bookmate, Wildberries, and Amazon.

Enjoy reading and waking up! Leave your feedback and reviews.


Annotation of the book:

The book is an addition to the book “Maitreya. Merging of the Manifested and the Unmanifested”. It tells about historical events that reflect the creation of the genetic code for the new “golden” world of the next stage of development through mitochondria. These tiny structural units of the internal universe of the organism gradually fulfill the Creator’s plan, changing the human body from the inside and our life from the outside.


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