Algorithm and Structure Structure of Reality

Training on the Earth: Essence and Algorithm

3 Information Viruses, Cryptoviruses, the Training Algorithm with Keys

Infovirus distorts information. Cryptovirus encrypts it so that only someone who has the key to the cipher can read the original meaning. The texts of the books of any religion are secret knowledge, closed cryptoviruses. Without decoder keys, they do not reveal their essence. Therefore, everyone interprets religious texts in own way, and the essence remains undisclosed.

The book of life of each of us has enough cryptoviruses, information viruses in the form of lies layered on the truth, and innuendo. And we have to deal with all this, as Neo dealt with agent Smith. We can wander endlessly in the stories-puzzles if we do not know how to understand their essence.

Although, not endlessly, because the main keys already exist in our world. The creators also conveyed a message revealing the connections of the elements in the unmanifested reality. The total structure was given long ago as the Tree of life in Kabbalah. It shows the components, levels of manifested and unmanifested realities. It is also an algorithm of training and development of a person, nation, country, world, galaxy…

Hand of Omega

The main engine of the evolution of the world is the “hand of Omega” (Chiron). The same hand with which the first Doctor Who (British TV series) flew to the Earth from Gallifrey, his home planet of the Time Lords. In the story, the Doctor arrived not alone but with his granddaughter Susan. They lived on the Earth for five years before their TARDIS and, concurrently, the house was discovered. We’ll talk about the Doctor and Susan separately. As for the engine, it controls five elements of the Tree of Life. In Kabbalah, they are called Hod, Netzah, Gevura, Hesed, and Tifferet.

At Christmas, in December 2018, I published in social networks the scheme of the Tree of Life with additions. One of the additions was displaying it on celestial bodies, second – the keys to it. At that time, the text explaining the picture was not ready for publication. Now, step by step, we will deal with the structure and script of the world.

The Tree of Life Training The Algorithm The Structure

Three Keys

The structure of the Tree of Life is closed with a cipher, like many things in Kabbalah. Decoders are three keys. We know the first and second as two keys to the Paradise, given to the Apostle Peter. And there is another one. He opens the door, behind which you can see the general scenario of the world.

Now there are some changes in the picture.

Tree of Life Sefirot Matrix Doctor Who Solar System Learning Algorithm

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