Script of the World The Meaning of Life on Earth

Images. Three Ananke. Preface – 1


On may 25, 2017, I was watching videos on YouTube, and four stood out from the others, “stucking” in my head. Images, melodies, individual words. I saved everything by posting in the social network (links to songs and lines that stood out):

  1. Bon Jovi – It’s My Life (I just want to live while I’m alive / Я просто хочу жить, пока жив)
  1. Ameno – Era – Troy (Ameno / Разгадай)
  1. Sting – Shape of my heart – Leon (The hidden law of a probable outcome / Скрытый закон вероятности исхода)
  1. Где-то далеко: Штирлиц встреча с женой / Somewhere far away, Stirlitz, Meeting with his wife (Я все гляжу куда-то в небо, как будто ищу ответа / I’m still looking somewhere in the sky, as if looking for the answer)

The first song is about the love of life as such, the desire to live. The second song spoke clearly – “Unravel,” and the video to it contained shots from the movie “Troy” with Brad Pitt close-up, a duel of Achilles (Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana).

Unravel what?

“The hidden law of a probable outcome” – a line from the third song.

Who would have told me then that later, I will be interested Brad Pitt thanks to the movie “Tree of Life.” I would not have believed that I would have delved into the situation in his family and come to the story of the imposition of seals through Angelina and Brad, their filmography – the very seals, the removal of which says the book of Revelation in the Bible.

And that all this will be connected with the Tree of Life, Kabbalah, which at that time I had no idea, and the book “Maitreya. Joining of the Visible and the Invisible.” An incredible book that was my teacher at the time of writing and after, and I only retroactively realized its hidden meaning. (The seals from the book of Revelation to which brad and Angelina led me are a structure related to Europa and Cadmus from ancient Greek mythology. I will show the essence in the article about the script of the world.)

In May 2017, I had my own worries – then I saw “Maitreya…” as a thriller with some inclusions about the structure of the world. I wanted to finish its translation, print it, and then write a sequel to adventures of the heroes. Brad’s story didn’t interest me. It was happening somewhere on the other side of the Earth and had nothing to do with me. On the day of publication of links to 4 songs, I translated Chapter 12 “The Loss.”

Words from the fourth song – “I’m still looking somewhere in the sky as if looking for the answer.”  

Hidden Programs

“Maitreya…” led me to the Tree of Life, and as it turned out, I showed it in Chapter 13 of the book “The Orange Dream.” Later I learned about Kabbalah, which describes its structure and correspondence between the components of the Tree and celestial bodies. I later corrected this accordance, noticing inconsistencies.

The construction in the sky was material in contrast to that described in Kabbalah, and it was logical to take it as a basis. The thread of the exit from the labyrinth of the Earth, from the woven world of illusion, began to gather from the picture of the starry sky, or rather, our Solar system. And the video for this song is a fragment from the series “Seventeen moments of spring,” the beloved by all Soviet people and not only, shown as the story of two loving people who are given the opportunity only to look into each other’s eyes.

I thought that I was looking for an answer from the Creator to the questions: “Why did he create the world this way and not otherwise?”, “Can it be rewritten in any way?”. In the end, I came to the eyes, finding a look that was told a long time about what was, is and will be, about love and meaning that was lost. The meaning of life that I wanted back desperately. Why are we here? What’s going on here? For what? For who? 

Sounds, words, images. They switch some hidden programs within us. And we, without knowing it, follow them. One day we discover this and experience a state of shock. Surely everyone has noticed at least once that some song “stuck” in the brain. Or images come to mind. What programs are associated with them?


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