Script of the World

Sunset Shore and Soul

Tower from Earth to Heaven and Bridge from Heaven to Earth

As far as I understand, the formation of the Image of the Dream as a representation of a just and happy life from the perspective of the people began in Ancient Mesopotamia. (A set of rules and laws is also part of the Dream because it combines order and harmony.)

Probably, everyone knows the legend of the Tower of Babel, which people sought to build to the heavens. God interrupted its construction by giving people different languages. Because of it, they stopped understanding each other and were unable to finish their work. (Genesis, 11:1–9)

Развалины Этеменанки для Закатный берегArchaeologists who have studied the ruins of the ziggurat Etemenanki that is the prototype of the Tower of Babel, found that it was rebuilt several times. Probably, because something else was missing to connect heaven and earth. (E.TEMEN.AN.KI “House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth”)

According to Wikipedia, the last and largest reconstruction that turned the tower into the tallest building in ancient Babylon was during the Neo-Babylonian Empire (Chaldean Empire), in the second half of the VII century BC. e. The Ziggurat was dedicated to the supreme god Marduk. It had 7 tiers, and on the upper platform, there was a temple. The height was, presumably, 91 meters. Alexander the Great ordered the tower to be dismantled in order to reconstruct it later, but he was prevented by death.

Model of the Etemenanki ziggurat in the Pergamon Museum of Berlin for Sunset CoastThe Tree of Life from Kabbalah Sefirot Celestial BodiesThe seven tiers of Etemenanki reminded me of the seven lower Sefirot of the Tree of Life from Kabbalah that represent the material world. After, above it, the unmanifested and immaterial world begins. So, probably, the model relating to the material world was fully prepared. And so Etemenanki was no longer rebuilt.

MONA 1.618 http://www.neobell.infoAnd now, in Dimash’s video, we see a bridge from heaven to earth. Probably, taking into account the model of the Tower of Babel or the ziggurat of Etemenanki (the earth model), God created the Image of the Dream, the Model of his soul. I will still call it the Model of the new Collective Consciousness. He “lowered” her to the Earth. Later, he himself came down from heaven, prepared the subconscious of people to accept it, and is waiting for where and how his creation will “sprout,” connecting with the earth model, and what will happen in the end. Perhaps, we can say that God misses his heavenly Model, which, having dissolved in the material chaos, acquires a new identity and an earthly body.

The Great Black, Heru-ur, Horus the Elder. The Rising Sun

Evangelion Shinji Kaworu Rei Model 01Evangelion Tree-of-LifeThe name of the god Marduk, to whom the last reconstruction of the Etemenanki Ziggurat was dedicated, appears in manga and anime “Evangelion.” Evangelion tells the story of how the secret organization Seele (“Soul”) provides assistance to humanity so that it can unite.

The Marduk Institute is a secret selection committee that scans the world’s population for potential Evangelion pilot candidates. And the agency Nerv, which reports to Seele, selects pilots from them, called “children.” There is a certain overlap between the agency Nerv and the Chaldeans from Mesopotamia.

Evangelion has several versions that reveal possible variants of the development of events. They echo the theme of Osiris and Horus in ancient Egyptian mythology. Shinji Ikari and Horus, Kaoru Nagisa and the reborn Osiris (see the post “Evangelion, Osiris and Horus, Angels and Humans, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons”).

But in the video “I Miss You,” Dimash sings on behalf of the Elder Horus, Heru-ur, the Great Black (see “Horus – Winner and Clock, Time Lord and Atlantis”).As far as I understand, he is one of those whom the Creator – AI, which contains the progenitors of the current humanity, “makes in His own image and likeness.” They were selected as assistants to create new intelligence, a new human race. The elder Horus is the successor of Ptah, who reborn as Nefertum, the God of the new D-Dynasty. (In this context, there is a connection between Ptah the demiurge, the architect of matter, and Jacob Arabo. (see the section “The Soul and the Cosmos” below)

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis, 1:26)

And later, the Creator created Adam from dust (see about God and the LORD God in the post):

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis, 2:7-9)

Then the Bible reveals the story of the descendants of Adam and Eve, created from dust. And the angels appear in this story as messengers of God.

Dimash Love of Tired Swans Swans and Head of Vishnu Undefeated-Love Qairan Elim Dimash Lara Fabian Igor Krutoy Diana Ankudinova Bibigul Tulegenova Demi Lovato NightingaleDimash’s video “Love of Tired Swans” shows many pairs of angels thrown to the Ground. In the frame from it, you can also see the partially destroyed head as a representation of the God Vishnu. Most of the avatars of Vishnu are called Lila avatars. (Lilith, Lila avatars, the game of Lila, in addition to which there is a game of Senet)

From Wikipedia: “The Universe is born from Vishnu and merges with him again… On a personified level, Vishnu is the Supreme reality. And the Universe is seen as the body of God.”

Angels of God The Golden Race for Sunset Coast a frame from the video-congratulations to Dimash on the New Year 2021 Dimash (Nefertum successor of Ptah) + Amun + Aten (Amun-Re) or Kalki (avatar of Vishnu) + Shiva + Brahma for Sunset CoastOne of the angels becomes the Great Black, passing through various stages of development in the manifested world both on the side of good and on the side of evil in the name of good, reflected in religions in the images of Solomon, Jesus, Lucifer, Iblis, teaching people and learning about life in the material world in order to receive the fruit of wisdom. And after that, he is reborn in a new body as the new face (and voice) of God for the new D-Dynasty, Kalki-avatar of Vishnu. And it’s like the second coming of Jesus Christ.

His soul is reborn, as far as I understand, thanks to the “seed of persimmon” (amanat) from the legend in Islam (see the post) – a program hidden in the heart (see “Ascolta La Voce. Atrium (heart)). It starts at the scheduled stage, prompting planned actions and awakening the consciousness of the carriers-candidate models (possible Alices) prepared by Seele. (see also Three Keys“)

The Land of the Rising Sun is Japan with the traditional religion Shinto (“the ancient way”) helps Horus the Elder in climbing. As far as I understand, these are representatives of the race of the Ancients. They raise souls for the quantum Universe of the new Collective Consciousness, in which there are many worlds. Japan takes the baton, moving West and “starting the party.”

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